About Us
We at Flexifitness, pride ourselves on providing a top quality service to our customers and therefore, only recruit top fitness professionals. Our experienced trainers are CRB checked, first aid qualified and fully insured so you can be assured that you are in safe hands. For any group class or personal training enquiries please contact Emma at emma@flexifitness.co.uk
Emma Lawrence

In the 19 years that I have been in the fitness industry I have worked with a wide range of people who all had different goals, aspirations and targets and I worked closely with each one in order to help them get what they wanted. In a group exercise environment everyone is after something different and it's my job to make sure that my Pilates and yoga sessions are suitable and effective for everyone. I get great satisfaction from seeing people in my groups adapt to my sessions and improvements are made week in and week out. I never get tired of hearing how someone's bad back has eased or how the pain they were in before has gone away! I have been a Pilates teacher since 2007 and I still love it, I qualified in teaching yoga in 2014 and I feel it complements Pilates in so many ways. If you've never tried yoga you're missing out! Group exercise is a really effective way of achieving your goals whether they involve injury rehabilitation, toning up or just for your general health and well-being. There is also a big social element of exercising with others which I think is really important and so I encourage an informal, friendly atmosphere in my classes, what are you waiting for? Choose your class and turn up and give it a go!
Matthew Peacock

I have been working in the health and fitness industry for over 15 years doing a mixture of teaching classes and working one-to-one with clients and I find both to be very rewarding. In my one-to-one work I offer exercise programs that will result in weight loss, an increase in confidence and improved muscle tone. I enjoy the focus and attention of working one-to-one with someone, it's so rewarding when they give me a goal such as full press ups or being able to touch their toes, I tailor their workouts accordingly and then they achieve it! Whatever your goals are, big or small, personal training is one of the best ways to get there and in my many years of working one-to-one with people from all walks of life I've helped them all to feel happier and healthier with themselves. 10 years ago while working as a Personal trainer I decided to try out my first Pilates class and although I was initially sceptical that doing what appeared to be a slow paced class with no sweating or jumping would be benficial to someone active like me I was hooked instantly! So much so that I have completed my Pilates teacher qualification and keep going to classes as a regular part of my weekly routine. In each Pilates class I teach I focus on mobilising the spine and doing simple but effective exercises designed to wake up the deep core muscles which support and protect our backs. Poor posture is one of the most common complaints I hear about from my participants so each session begins with a description of 'neutral posture' and how you find it so with regular Pilates practice you can end up making very positive changes to how you stand and sit away from class.